Welcome to Skillsbasedhealtheducation.com!


Thank you for your interest in learning more about skills-based health education! We are excited to re-launch our blog with the start of the school year. Posts will happen every other Wednesday and will include ideas for the classroom, posts to deepen your knowledge of skills-based instruction in health education, current events/articles and questions to you, the reader to help us provide you with the information you are looking for. We want to hear from you. Thank you for being on this journey with us and we look forward to supporting conversations about skills-based health education!


Happy back to school!


~Sarah and Holly


2 thoughts on “Welcome to Skillsbasedhealtheducation.com!

  1. Laura MacDonald

    Hi Sarah and Holly,
    I love your books, and love the #skillsbasedhealth stuff on Twitter! I am an international educator and I”m just wondering if there are any in-person trainings this summer, ideally in mid-June or early August in the US.
    Thanks for your help and advice!

    1. Sarah Benes Post author

      Thank you so much for your email – I am sorry it took me a little while to get back to you. We don’t have any trainings planned right now. I do have one in a district on 6/13 – I could see if there was a chance you could come to that? Where are you located? I would be happy to share any other opportunities as they come up. You can reach out to Holly and I directly at lighthousehealthconsulting@gmail.com.
      Please let us know how we can support your skills-based practice!


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